Ariana Ross is an artist and writer with a background in the wine industry. She’s celebrating the release of her first book, Wine’s Way to Art, and ghostwrites long-form content and books for clients. Her specialty is in distilling complex concepts and industry-specific jargon into relatable human terms, all with a sense of wonder and amusement.

Wine's Way to Art

Wine's Way to Art is the first book in a series introducing people to the magic of wine. After almost a decade working in the wine industry and always gravitating toward wine education, I saw a need for a voice that successfully distills the complexity of wine into approachable terms without losing respect for its magic.

Not everyone needs to be a sommelier but everyone should be able to enjoy wine and feel at home in a wine shop. My goal through this series is to communicate to readers not all of the information needed to understand wine, but the insights gained from my time in the industry, empowering readers with the simple takeaways they need to navigate the world of wine without dedicating their life to its study.

As the first book in the series, Wine’s Way to Art lays the foundation for why we care about wine, making a plea for readers to approach the study of wine not as an intellectual exercise in collecting information but as a quest for beauty and an invitation to be present to the raw unmediated world of art.

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wine's way to art


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“Ariana’s book is foremost a treatise on beauty, then on how wine can, in its highest form, engage the mind and senses as a beautiful, ephemeral, life-affirming art form. It is a guidebook toward truth and authenticity in wine for the neophyte and a poignant reminder of what makes wine special and wonderful for the jaded oenophile. A worthwhile read for all wine lovers, budding and seasoned.”

 — Ian Brand, winemaker/owner, I. Brand & Family

“Tucked neatly between a meditation and a treatise, Wine's Way to Art invites the reader to discover and discern the artfulness of their experience. Yes, wine is the prism through which the invitation is shown but the ways of being and the ways of observing and understanding what is before us apply to any pursuit. Best read with a glass of fermented grape juice, this book is a deft instruction manual for how to still be curious in a world of knowing.”

 — Troy Bowen, sommelier/owner, Noble Riot Wine Bar in Denver

“Ariana Ross’ Wine’s Way to Art makes the act of enjoying wine itself into an art form. Seeking to demystify the wine world, Ross guides her readers on a journey to access the divine through their tastebuds. Through personal anecdotes and philosophical reflection, she skillfully demonstrates the difference between merely enjoying wine, and feeling its magic.”

 — Elizabeth Ansfield, book editor, Disney Publishing

“Wine’s Way to Art is a poetic investigation of wine’s connection to art that speaks to how to enjoy wine and other fine things in life. Equal parts cultural critique and a philosophy of life, Ariana looks at pleasure through the lens of wine to teach us how to slow down, listen to the world, and re-engage with ourselves. This book is much needed, new, and beautifully written and will start you on your wine journey while also introducing you to new facets of yourself.”

 — Dr. Kalila Bohsali, researcher and instructor of literature pedagogy, University of Albuquerque
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Ariana Ross is a writer, poet and sommelier. Never satisfied with superficial answers or siloed knowledge, Ariana delves into the inner workings of all things, inspiring her to have worked in many facets of the wine industry including curating selections for wine shops, wholesale distribution, wine production, and teaching wine classes to both beginners and industry professionals. Outside of the wine world, Ariana writes essays and poetry and ghostwrites long-form content and books for clients. She lives in Highland Park in Los Angeles where you can find her on many a long quiet walk, immersed in thought.